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Buffalo Turf Varieties

Palmetto Buffalo turf is an emerald green Soft Leaf Buffalo and is shade and draught tolerant. Only requires 2 to 3 hours of sunlight a day and can also handle full sun. Palmetto is draught tolerant with it’s deep root system. This is a non-allergenic grass with a long broad soft leaf that doesn’t go purple in Winter. Palmetto can recover well from wear and tear and is low maintenance which means less mowing.

Matilda Buffalo has a soft dwarf leaf and is salt plus draught tolerant with good colour retention. Matlida is also wear resistant low allergy grass and establishes quick with it’s dense thatch. Low Maintenance slow growing buffalo that can tolerate full sun and part shade. Matilda can grow over salty, rocky or clay soils.

Sapphire Buffalo has a fine leaf and is Salt and Drought tolerant with it’s deep roots. Low maintenance with a tight matt and holds its colour in the winter months. Sapphire is great for up to 60 percent shade and also thrives in hot weather. This buffalo recovers well from wear and tear with fast growing runners ideal for high traffic areas. Most popular turf amongst landscapers.

Sir Walter Buffalo is a low maintenance soft leaf evergreen buffalo. This turf can handle full sun and stays green through Winter months. Sir Walter Buffalo is hard wearing and will bounce back from wear and tear plus being shade tolerant